Ministry Highlight

Did you know that New Life has a Resource Center?  It’s actually a tiny bookstore where books and CD’s can be purchased, located just to the right of the main entrance doors.  It is also the place where you can get a free ESV study Bible if you don’t own a study Bible, as well as a New Life directory and a visitor bag if you are visiting and would like to know more about New Life.  Here are a few more things I would love for you to know about this ministry.

The mission of the Resource Center is to be a trustworthy, accessible, supplementary discipleship ministry putting tools in the hands of our church body for the purpose of discipling each other.  As followers of Jesus Christ, our primary source of truth is God’s revelation to us, the Holy Scriptures.  However, a well-chosen book can be a fresh wind of encouragement and life for our relationship with God.  It can lead us into deeper knowledge of Him and the gospel, inspire or convict us, and give us needed guidance for our relationships with each other!  The authors of books we offer are all either chosen or approved by our Elder Board.  You’ll find Bible study helps, doctrine and theology, books on prayer, marriage, parenting, women’s topics (particularly gospel-centered motherhood and others), biblical guidance regarding cultural issues, God’s attributes, children’s books, Christian fiction, spiritual gifts, spiritual discipline, missions, church history, books by Puritans, music CD’s, The American Gospel DVD’s, and many more topics.  New resources are always arriving!

One fun way to share a book that you are enjoying is to start a book group.  It’s a short-term commitment depending on the length of the book and is a wonderful way to enjoy fellowship with New Life family members and deepen relationships.

The Resource Center is staffed each Sunday by volunteer team members who love our Lord, love books, and would love to encourage you in your walk with Christ.  It is our pleasure to chat with visitors to the center and help them in any way we can.  We are also looking for new team members!  We typically serve once a month.  If you are interested in serving our church body in this way, please come talk either to me or the team member serving that day.  We would love to give you more information and show you around!  

The Resource Center is open each Sunday from 9:00am to 9:30am and then after the service until noon.  Come check out our shelves, and perhaps you’ll find a delightful book to help cheer up these cold, dark, winter days!

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