Resource Center

The Mission And Purpose

The Resource Center at New Life Christian Community is a trustworthy, accessible, supplementary, discipleship ministry putting tools in the hands of our church body in order to disciple each other.
To be very clear, the Word of God is all we need for life. But we recognize that He has given us other writings in order to aid our study of Him and His Word. We want to utilize and make those tools available to our church body always remembering that Scripture stands above all.

Charles Spurgeon said, “Visit many good books, but live in the Bible.”

The Resource Center Information

We provide a wide range of resources including Bibles, small group studies, books and study aids for children and adults, and music by the artists we already incorporate into our Sunday morning worship. Resources cover all spiritual maturity levels in order to effectively disciple everyone from the newest of believers on. Our stock is always growing so keep checking back to see what’s new!
The Resource Center opens at 9:00 on Sunday mornings, is closed during the service and reopens at the conclusion of the service.  The heart behind this ministry is not to be a distraction during worship and while the Word is being preached but to aid our study of the Word together as a body, in small groups, and during our own personal time. If you need help finding anything, there is a Resource Center team member ready to help or answer any questions you may have before and after every Sunday service!

Resource Highlight

As children of God, our life’s goal, the pursuit of our very being, should be to know God; to know Him fully, thoroughly, deeply, intricately. He has so graciously revealed Himself to us in His Word and that is where our hearts can be satisfied with the beauty of HIM. His wholeness, His perfection, His love, His goodness, His faithfulness, His grace, His fulfilled promises, His mighty acts, His creativity…there are endless things to know about Him and endless facets to His nature.
But have you ever explored what makes God…happy? What is at the root of His delight? What brings Him most joy? With what, or whom, is He satisfied? What are His pleasures? What is the object of His love?
I had never considered this. And if I had, the obvious answer in my mind would have been his beloved sons and daughters, right? I mean…he CHOSE us! He loves us! He gave His Son for us! Without spoiling too much, my off-the-cuff answer was completely wrong. And I was humbled as I pored over, and wept over, and leaned wholeheartedly into the thought-provoking words of John Piper in The Pleasures of God.
The simple truth in this profound literary work is just this: God delights in being God.
Are you confused by this? Are you enthralled by this? Does this shake your core and bow you low? Dive into this book and all the wonder it holds. Your heart will explode with fresh wonder and awe at this God who needs none other but Himself.
There are copies of The Pleasures of God available for purchase in the Resource Center!

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