Overseas Missions

Overseas Missions

The purpose of the Missions Team is to:

(1) provide short term mission opportunities for the people of New Life; and (2) to creatively engage the church in supporting those out on the missions field that we choose to support.
Missionaries need much more than just financial support to do what God has called them to do, and our missions team will seek ways to help the body at New Life to do that. Partners at New Life are encouraged to consider individually supporting one or more of these missionaries by prayer, monetarily, and through consistent interaction via letters, emails, or video calls so that our missionaries are thoroughly supported.
New Life Christian Community is committed to financial and prayer support for the following local and overseas ministries. You can click the name to find out more information about each missionary.
Please check out our “Adopt a Missionary” page to personally support missionaries who still need financial support.
  • Jared Anderson in Mexico City
  • David and Angie Ziel. with IBAC in Costa Rica. They have a blog here where you can keep current on their activities.
  • Emily Pohl with Gospel Joy
  • The Bartons – ministry to the Hispanic community among us and in Mexico
  • Patrick and Debbie Gray in Thailand
  • Will and Sara Miron with World Venture
  • Toni and Ita Llapushi in Albania
For more information regarding this ministry please contact Lorraine Milner.

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