Tony Minell

Senior Pastor

By God’s grace, in January of 2011, Julie and Tony (and daughter, Olive) were blessed and honored to be called to make New Life their home church. Since moving to Osceola, their family of three has grown to a busy family of 7 - which is a constant reminder of the Lord’s grace in Tony’s life. He graduated from Trinity International University with a degree in Biblical Studies and went on to graduate from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School with a Master’s Degree in Divinity. Prior to coming to New Life Christian Community Tony was ministering at Indian Hill Bible Church where he served as Worship and Youth Pastor. He has also served at Christian Liberty Academy as an administrator in the role of Chaplain while teaching various high school classes including New Testament, Old Testament, Systematic Theology and Greek Grammar. Tony enjoys spending time with his wife and family (and his church family) here in Osceola! He is an aspiring photographer and savors a good cup of coffee.