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Theological Pondering (part 1) – by Pastor Tony

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As I pray about what to share in these pastoral ponderings, I pray that you read them in the spirit in which they have been thought and written. These are not reactive ponderings (in a negative sense) to certain situations in my life. Instead, they are the product of what God has been teaching me.

In today’s Christianity, regarding our attitude towards Theology (the official title of the formal discipline of the study of God) there are two extremes. Mind you, there are many more extremes in the midst of the study itself. That is not our concern in this article. Our concern is in reference to two attitudes toward Theology.

As with many dichotomies, there is a central position that we would do well to navigate towards. To understand the central position, we must look at the two extremes. In this week’s pondering we will look at the first extreme: A belief that Theology itself is the entirety of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Because Theology deals with extraordinarily important topics and categories, some have falsely concluded (in practice, but perhaps not in word) that Theology is the goal. Having a zeal for knowledge does not automatically make one wise. Neither does an articulate theology make one Godly. Ponder Paul’s words, if we “speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love…[we] are nothing.” (1 Cor. 13:1-2)

Theology can produce eloquent words, but can it produce a heart that beats wholly for the Lord? Ironically, often the theologically ignorant are closest to the Lord – for did Jesus not imply this when He said of the little children, to such belongs the kingdom of heaven (Matt 19:14).

Theology can produce eloquent words, but can it
produce a heart that beats wholly for the Lord?

By what title do you want to be known? Lutheran? Presbyterian? Catholic? Calvinist? Arminian? Wesleyan? Evangelical? Non-denominational? All of these categories are rubbish in light of the cross. For we must be most eager to be known as Christ’s. We are His. Has he qualified his purchase of us with a questionnaire? Does he say, before my blood can cover you, I need to know how you feel about free will? Before my sacrifice can be effectual unto salvation, I need to make sure you are thinking clearly about whether I numbered your days before, during or after I thought about creating you (no joke – these are the types of questions that divide the above mentioned groups)?

Many are proud to be categorized. I can agree if the category is Jesus Christ. (see Ephesians 3:28-29) Many may be wondering if I have lost it. ‘Pastor Tony is off the rails.’ You may say, I really like a good theology debate! Or, we must know what we believe and why we believe it! We must be able to defend what we believe! To you I say, Yes! Of course. I want us to be able to defend our faith. To that end, theology must be studied.

It is a study that is encouraged throughout Scripture. It is for this reason that New Life is opening up the resource center. We are praying that these resources are there for the purpose of aiding your walk with the Lord.

Remember, although different books that cover different studies and topics are on the shelves of the Resource Center – they are there not to define and/or change who you are. Jesus does that – and He does that best in His book (Psalm 119:15-16, Josh 1:8, 2 Tim 3:16-17), by His Holy Spirit. These resources are to help us to understand who we are in Christ, as defined by Scripture.

As soon as we begin to believe that the resources and/or certain theologies will produce godly people, we will be closing the proverbial bookshelf doors.

In my next pondering we will look at the opposite extreme. So for you who are thinking I have lost it, don’t worry. Next, I will be preaching to the choir loft wherein you are seated. Until then, let’s call upon the Lord to be the one defining mark among all of us.

Let us be faithful to the preaching of Jesus Christ and Him crucified – the one and only stumbling block we can be proud of. It is by Christ alone that we are saved.

Pastor Tony


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